I’m starting to understand why Austin/Lampasas liberal stooge Stephanie Fitzharris keeps starting new Facebook pages: so she can erase all evidence of her prior wrong calls, Covid Cult authoritarianism, and rabid Marxism/liberalism.

She was wrong about Covid death rates, wrong about HCQ, wrong about masks working, wrong about lockdowns, wrong about keeping kids out of school, wrong about social distancing, wrong about Biden being a good president, wrong about the Ghost of Kiev, wrong about Stacy Abrams, wrong about raising her communist son Julian Jordan of Oregon, and wrong about the “vaccine”.

Yes….such a TREASURE he turned out to be!
Her latest absolutely wrong call? That the Georgia voter ID laws (which required IDs and other safeguards in order to vote) were somehow “restrictive” and “repressive”. She cheered when the MLB idiots moved the All-Star game out of Georgia. Hilariously, the Braves went ahead and won the World Series last year, while her beloved Dodgers (she once lived in CA – shocker!) got crushed…..

But guess what? Potato Head was completely wrong AGAIN! I know…crazy, right?
Georgia early voting continues to shatter records
Don’t worry – Comrade Clayton, Bruce Haywood and all the other libs who screamed bloody murder about voter ID requirements were wrong too.
Well, good thing you started a new Facebook page recently so it was all erased and you can pretend it never happened. Just like your insanity during Covid…

If Austin is so AWESOME, why’d you sell your house? Why are you slumming around in Lampasas?? Do us all a favor and just head back to California or Oregon with the other lib scum. Every lib scumbag who moves from Austin to Lampasas is one too many, in my book. City council ought to ban liberals like they ban burning leaves when it’s too dry outside.
Say that reminds me…watch out for this Potato Headed moron here in town. I think she may be trying to move here and blend in pretending to NOT be a Marxist, Biden-loving, Covid Cult asswipe. Of course, I know better and I have the receipts to prove it.
[She was spotted at Lampasas Beer Market way back in the corner last Saturday evening. Funny thing was, the World Series was on with Houston playing, and this self-proclaimed “baseball fanatic” (who blabbered and babbled about the All-Star game being moved because of ‘racism’) never even glanced at the screen once. ‘Baseball fanatic’ was just another personality to put on or take off like her XXL underwear.]
She seems even MORE mentally unstable lately as she thinks her MOM’S (Local loon Janet ‘Crazier’ Crozier) house is actually HERS! Maybe after she sold her Austin mansion, she moved in with mom. Nothing would surprise me. But she has been spotted trying to ingratiate herself online to local music legend Bobby Starr and also comments on the pages of councilman Herb Pearce and his family. So there is no telling what’s she’s up to….

In case you are not clear on this exchange, Potato Head somehow had access to her mom’s doorbell cam – which is weird enough. Then a chick named Suzie Adams asks “is that the house YOU got?” (Potato Head was in the process of selling her Austin house at the time).
Then this insane potato headed woman replies “Yes”!
As bad luck would have it, our local gardener Janet “Crazier” Crozier (Potato Head’s mom) happened to see this on-line exchange the very next day and jumped in and corrected her, saying “NO…that is OUR house”. Lampasas property rolls prove Janet right – the house belongs to “CROZIER JANET D & MILVERN J” – as you can see HERE.
So Fitzharris either has Biden-like dementia and doesn’t realize what house she actually owns OR she straight up LIES right to the face of a good friend. Take your pick.
I have always picked “she’s a loon”, myself.
I guess that’s what happens when you change your personality every 6 months or so. Maybe I should call her Sybil instead.