LEDC Board Packed With More Talbert Cronies. Nepotism Rules as Leavell Latest to Scurry off Sinking Ship

First Walsh resigns abruptly, and now Neal Leavell is gone from the LEDC board. To see Leavell scurry off the LEDC ship after over TWENTY YEARS is surprising indeed. Very surprising. After all, the Business Pork Project is almost complete and about to open in a glorious fashion and attract dozens, nay, HUNDREDS of “high-paying jobs”. Why would Walsh and Leavell bolt so close to the payoff day?

So Leavell had to be replaced after he left. There was a tiny blurb in the most recent Dispatch about how “council voted unanimously to appoint Fin Erwin to the LEDC board of directors

How nice. Fin Erwin. Never heard of him. Obviously just some random guy who was selected out of the many, many people who have submitted paperwork to be on the LEDC board of directors. I know there are a bunch of them, because I’ve seen their submissions in the council packets. Even Comrade Clayton Tucker applied to be on the LEDC board! In all, I’d say at LEAST 8 people submitted paperwork to serve on the LEDC board. People like Tim Hefley, Jami Sanchez, Kathy Crawford, Michael Sibberson, and Comrade Clayton Tucker.

[See pages 16 through 29 to see all the applications]

Only it turns out he’s NOT just some random guy. Fin Erwin is married to Haley Gibson. Haley Gibson is….wait for it….

Misti Talbert’s SISTER! Oh my. So Misti now has her brother-in-law on the LEDC board of which she is president.

I wonder how he’ll vote in the future. Will he vote WITH Misti’s chowderheaded ideas? Or against them?

Hmmm. What are the odds that her own brother-in-law is plucked from the pile of submissions to be on the LEDC? Oh wait…according to the list in the September LEDC packet, Fin didn’t even APPLY! Again, go see pages 16 through 29 to see who DID bother to fill out the paperwork.

The LAST time this happened (a year ago), the LEDC decided to ignore all the people who actually went to the trouble of applying and instead appointed Ryan Shahan to the board.That would be the SAME Ryan Shahan who is President of the Bank that is loaning the LEDC millions of dollars for the Business Pork Project.

Inbred LEDC Inbreeds More – Appoints Bank President Ryan Shahan to LEDC Board – THE SAME BANK They Just Borrowed $1.5 Million Dollars From.

Not really a good look, as I commented at the time. Don’t forget the taxpayers paid his bank an additional $15,000 “loan origination fee” for the honor of borrowing their money.

This is an even WORSE look.

Nepotism and inbreeding and more inbreeding. For shame.

Oh, and don’t worry about locking up your Facebook pages now. I already got screenshots of everything I need.