Council Approves Ludicrous $38,840 Payroll Software – Same Company Currently Hoses Them On Other Software

Unsurprisingly, council approved the overpriced software to “track employees’ time off” that Forrest Gump Ward requested. In a shocking display of naivety, Gump told us the “recurring software charge” from Tyler Technologies would only be $8,339 per year.

What Gump DOESN’T say (or more likely, doesn’t know) is that the software fees for all this shit goes up like clockwork every year – a LOT more than the rate of inflation. It is a massive rip-off.

Tyler Technologies ALREADY takes care of the City billing software – it’s called “Incode”…and they make sure to jack it up every single year. You’d think they’d give Assistant To The City Manager Ryan Schrute Gump a deal on the NEW software, since we’re already throwing $50,000 per year at them on the other stuff.

Yes…$50,000 per year. Of course, it started out as only $33,939. No doubt back in 2014 some other Gump-like dummy stood up there to sell council on the new billing software and said “Look! It’s only a recurring charge of $33,939! And it saves us some time!”

Tyler Technologies also severely screwed the pooch in 2019 during the Great Ransomware Attack – then-assistant City manager Cox was extremely pissed at them for their bungling during the Ransomware Recovery process.

But Tyler still rams it up the City’s ass every November:

  • 2014 – $33,939.65
  • 2015 – $35,540.42 (+4.70%)
  • 2016 – $37,984.99 (+6.87%)
  • 2017 – $39,820.80 (+4.83%)
  • 2018 – $41,762.43 (+4.87%)
  • 2019 – $43,816.63 (+4.92%) – this is AFTER Ransomware disaster!!
  • Average over five years: +5.82% per annum
  • 2020 – $45,693.33 (+4.28%)
  • 2021 – $47,463.11 (+3.9%)
  • 2022 – $50,382.67 (+6.15%)
  • 2023 – $53,176.24 (+5.55%)

Expect the EXACT same thing with Gump’s new software. It will cost more than advertised and work worse than advertised. Bank on it.