Approximately 30% Of Mandy Walsh’s Old Duties To Be Replaced By Inanimate Facebook Page “DoLampasas” – For Zero Cost

Amazing what the free market can do!

Before she abruptly resigned, former Economic Director would spend a decent chunk of time copying and pasting dozens of OTHER Facebook posts to the LEDC Facebook page. If that sounds like it was highly duplicative…you are correct. We saw THOUSANDS of these re-posts over the last couple of years…

But guess what? Only 19 days after she resigned, the free market has a solution!

No way! You mean the people with the most to gain (business owners) actually figured out a way to get the word out all on their own?? Without help from the City government?


As I’ve said on these pages a million times: the best thing the LEDC can do is to disband and let the free market take over. Even better would be the City getting out of the way too, with all their ridiculous red tape and onerous codes which add massive and unnecessary expenses to anyone trying to start a business around here.