Socialist “Logic”

So this is making the rounds on Twitter. All the good commies are retweeting the “analysis” of that old, decrepit fossil dummy Bernie Sanders. The guy who has NEVER WORKED A DAY IN HIS LIFE and certainly knows NOTHING about how the energy complex works:

Their “explanation” is, obviously, the “greedy oil companies”. Sanders believes this. Comrade Clayton believes this. A cadre of Twitter morons also believes this – mostly the obese cat ladies and “artists” who comment on Tucker’s Twitter feed.

Let’s see why it isn’t the “greedy oil companies” and is instead completely the fault of greentards and libs.

First of all, taxes are FAR higher now than in 2010.California had an 18 cent excise tax on gasoline in 2010. Now, it’s 54 cents.Other liberal hellholes have done the same. This is 100% the fault of libtards….NOT “greedy corporations”.

Secondly, 1 million barrels a day of refining capacity was mothballed in the US since the start of the 2020 pandemic. Globally this is 1/3 of the total that was taken offline since early 2020. Biden and whoever pulls his strings has refused to increase refining capacity. In fact, thanks to environmental wackos and greentards, there has not been a new refinery built in the U.S. since 1976:

Source – Department of Energy

Thirdly, the U.S. population has added about THIRTY MILLION PEOPLE since 2010 and the refining capacity has been reduced. That’s 30,000,000 – or roughly the entire population of Texas that has been added with NO NEW REFINING CAPACITY added to produce gasoline from oil.

One thing you can count on from idiot socialists like Tucker and Sanders is that they will put forth the most childlike (and wrong) analysis available. They are incapable of critical thinking or understanding complex issues. The answer is ALWAYS “greedy corporations” – even though the REAL answer is the very policies these morons push over and over.