Twenty Days Left Until Massive Election Slaughter Occurs…

But…but…but it’s the “greedy corporations” and Putin, according to Bruce Haywire!

All of these blithering idiots who think democrats have a prayer are in for the shock of their lives. Can you imaging being so stupid that you actually sit there and think shit to yourself like “Hell yeah! Things are going awesome now! Biden has really done a great job and Democrats will be rewarded at the ballot box!”

I mean, it’s a mystery to me how people as monumentally dumb as Bruce Haywood are even still alive. Like, the only thing keeping morons like Bruce Haywood from starving to death are checks from the government. He would LITERALLY die of stupidity if he weren’t pilfering the taxpayers’ wallets every month.

November is going to make Clayton Tucker’s run for city council look like a close race.

Nobody gives a shit about “global warming” when they can’t afford rent and food, you complete tool bags. Only the most ardent greentards who live with their parents and have no life (like Clayton Tucker) think that “global warming” is the most important problem we face today. Everybody else knows better – and everybody else is going to vote these retarded clowns out of office in a huge massacre in under three weeks.