Brain Damaged, Parasitic Freeloader in Lampasas Stumps For Brain Damaged, Parasitic Freeloader in PA for U.S. Senate

Truly, nobody has a more pristine record of endorsing fellow useless, parasitic losers who have never worked a day in their lives than our very own Comrade Clayton Tucker – Chairman of the Lampasas Democrats. As an able-bodied 31-year-old who still lives with his parents and refuses to find a real job to support himself, I suppose he is partial to others who have lived the same useless, parasitic existence.

The self-proclaimed socialist loves Bernie Sanders, Francis O’Rourke and Greg Casar, for example:

Greg Casar – never worked a day in his life at age 33
Bernie – thrown out of a communist commune for being too lazy. Has never had private sector job in his life
Fake Mexican – perpetual candidate is his “job”

None of them have ever worked an honest day in their lives. Same goes for Ilhan Omar.

Commie dirtbag refuses to assimilate…wants to wreck U.S. Constitution. Has IQ of 84 and married her brother.

But Casar, Bernie and Omar look like accomplished success stories compared to the filthy bum who is running in Pennsylvania – John Fetterman. So naturally, Tucker is promoting one of the biggest losers and retards ever to run for office…Uncle Festerman:

He’ll be all better by January! Sure you will, buddy. And Biden’s “stutter” will go away next year, too.

Yes, Festerman is definitely the man for the job:

“Homeless urchin” look is in this year.

Clayton Tucker is almost 32 and never worked a job in his life? Fatterman has you CRUSHED, buddy. He’s over FIFTY now:

How stroke-hit Fetterman sponged off his tony parents ‘til he was 49

Comrade Clayton Tucker is in awe of that level of uselessness. Tucker himself has only been out of college and sponging off his parents for a decade or so. He has another 17 years or so to go until he reaches Festerman-like levels of uselessness.

My favorite part of a recent article:

“Although Fetterman has campaigned on what he delivered as mayor of Braddock, the borough is in worse shape than when he took over. Braddock Hospital, the heart of the community, shut down several years ago, and crime has increased while the population has decreased.

Look at this freak wearing a Festerman t-shirt – he is the Clayton Tucker of Pennsylvania. Only much skinnier.

Crime is worse and the hospital shut down! LOL. Sounds like a democrat to me.

Looking at him, it’s hard to see why he would ever have a stroke. Looks like a paragon of health in this photo…

This race is supposedly close. I don’t believe it. Yes, Oz is a total buffoon, but at least he’s made his own way in the world and can feed himself without the help of his parents or the taxpayers. At least he can speak in complete sentences. At least he owns a suit, for christ’s sake.

The fact that Tucker is now pumping this Festerman idiot tells me that Uncle Fester is going to get crushed in November….because having Clayton Tucker push you on social media is the kiss of death – just ask Julie Oliver, Jonathan Hildner, Francis O’Rourke, Clayton himself (3 times), and Jessica Cisneros.

Every candidate Tucker mentions turns into a smoldering pile of shit. It’s amazing. Because when you yourself are a loser who has accomplished nothing in life, you are drawn to and cheer for OTHER losers who have accomplished nothing in life, apparently.

Having a political mush like Clayton Tucker mention your candidacy means you are pretty much done for. Bye bye, Festerman. Bookmark this for November 9th. Festerman is now toast, thanks for the Clayton Curse.