New Budget Admits Hostess House Revenue Will Only Be $10,450 Per Year.

First, City council took over the Hostess House three years ago and told us it needed some “minor repairs”:

Then Finley told us the budget for the project “is about $200,000”

Council picks architecture firm for Hostess House upgrades

THEN the brain trust of Kuehne, Talbert and Williamson got ahold of it, and they decided to blow about $1.4 MILLION on the project.

According to the new budget [see page 1], Hostess House revenues for the next fiscal year will be $16,000 and expenditures will be $5,550.

That leaves about $10,000 left over as “profit”. Pretty close to the $12,000 I have been using for a while now.

At $10,450 per year, it will only take the City about 140 years to get their ‘investment’ back.

Of course, compared to the Business Pork project (expenditures over $7,100,000 and revenues of $0) this looks like a huge winner!