Lib Vaxholes Were Wrong Big Time. Many Will Likely Pay With Their Lives. I’m Fine With That.

Remember WAAAAY back in 2021 when all the good little tyrants were screaming at us to get an unproven “vaccine”? The media (and the Joe Biden puppet) repeated the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” lie a few million times. All the dumb, fat, liberal middle-aged women (and Clayton Tucker) posted the same false stats on social media over and over:

Lots of evil libtards even demanded that anyone who refused the vax should be refused admittance to a hospital because “they were asking for it”. They dreamed out loud and laughed about “all the right wingers dying of Covid” so there would be none left at election time.

People’s lives were ruined when they were fired for refusing a “vaccine” that was untested and ultimately proved to be useless at protecting against Covid. People who needed organ transplants were denied because they refused the “vaccine”.

Well, as usual, our side was right all along.

Now you know why they want to seal the Pfizer test results for 55 years.

It’s now a well-know (if seldom acknowledged on liberal media) fact that the vaccine is causing a LOT of problems. The people who seem to catch it the most as the ones who are vaxxed and boosted the most. LARGE numbers of people who were “vaccinated” are dead. Since a large majority of those are probably liberals, I’m fine with that.

Useful idiot

Hopefully, the voter rolls on the D side of the ledger will be thinned out considerably over the next few years. Not that being dead ever stops Dems from voting.