Ukrainian Prez (The One Having His Balls Washed By Liberals) Rents His $4M Italian Villa to….Russians!

Gee, who woulda thunk it? Ukraine is known for serious corruption – something everyone forgot earlier this year when they rushed to put idiotic Ukrainian flags on their Facebook profile pics. I knew which side I was on right away when two of the dumbest people I know of – Clayton Tucker and Potato Head Steph Fitzharris – swapped their “I got vaxxed!” profile templates to Ukrainian flags. They swapped one virtue signal for an incorrect/losing cause for another.

If you are REALLY a King Moron like Clayton Tucker, you even hang a Ukrainian flag on your mommy’s garage where you live…

Disgusting commie scum.

Turns out Zelensky has even MORE luxurious homes besides his $30 million Miami mansion. He has another in Italy – which he is renting to….Russians.

You can’t make this shit up.

You wonder why libtards AND Rinos are falling over each other to send $80 billion of YOUR tax dollars to this crook? You wonder why establishment shitbag politicians went crazy when the ONE honest man in D.C. (Rand Paul) said “hey, we should maybe have some oversight on these billions of dollars”?

Because half of these billions are no-doubt being funneled to scumbags like Biden, Pelosi, McConnel, Schumer and the other fossils who have corruption down to a T after all these decades.

Dumb liberals – fooled yet again.

More lies and propaganda – swallowed whole by morons