There are JUST from the last couple days….
“Exorbitant Rise In Energy Prices” Forces Europe’s Top Steelmaker To Close Plants
“Europe On The Brink:” 70,000 Czech Protesters Flood Prague Over Energy Crisis
Sweden, Austria Start Bailing Out Energy Companies Triggering Europe’s “Minsky Moment”
Google Searches For “Firewood” In Germany Have Exploded
Alcoa to cut Norway smelter capacity to offset energy costs.
Strains mount in European power market as UK generators call for help
6 In 10 UK Manufacturers At Risk Of Closure, Lobby Group Warns As Energy Prices Soar
I seriously think that the younger generation (and Bruce Haywood) would sit there and die freezing in the dark and STILL not understand what was happening. They are THAT stupid and brainwashed.
Let’s all listen to an autistic teenager for energy policy advice!

“But…but…but I’m saving the planet. Deeerrrp derp”