Local unemployed socialist Clayton Tucker (who is chairman of the Lampasas Democrats and still lives with his mom) thinks that paying back what you borrowed is as distasteful as drinking polluted water:

Comrade Clayton does NOT like to struggle. With anything. That’s why he lives with mom and dad! No rent, no worries. No property taxes, no worries. No taxes (no wages), no worries! Must be nice!
We had a names for worms and scumbags who didn’t pay what they owed back in the old days. They were called a “welsher” or a “chiseler” – and it was one of the worst things you could be called.
Of course, that’s back when men were men. Now, this supposedly passes for a “man” – such a convincing male specimen, that he has to write “he/him” in his bio to inform us that yes, he actually IS male:

What you see there is an able-bodied 31-year-old standing around on a workday demanding free shit at a rally for socialists. It is a disturbing and pathetic image.
So I have a few questions:
#1 Why doesn’t this work for a car loan? I’d argue that an $80,000 car is about 10,000 times more useful than the $80,000 “International Relations” degree that Comrade Clayton foolishly wasted four years obtaining. As evidence, I would point out that he’s been out of college for almost TEN YEARS and STILL cannot find gainful employment. Ergo, that degree has proved to be worth $0. At least a car can get you to and from work for the next 10 years.
#2 Why doesn’t this work for my tax bill? Comrade Clayton rants about everyone “paying their fair share” of taxes…but many Americans are struggling to make ends meet after the IRS (and state, and county, and City) picks their pockets. So if I’m struggling to afford my taxes on top of everything else, I should just get to not pay them, right? Just like your student loans. Same exact thing. I’d even use the same crying and whining that Comrade Clayton uses about that “tax bill hanging over my head…if it just disappeared, it would be SUCH a burden removed from my life and I can go out and borrow MORE money on shit like a house or a vacation”.
Plenty of people are struggling with outrageous property tax bills this year – so they should also avoid “drinking the polluted water” too and just stiff the tax man, right?
In short, Comrade Clayton and other borrowers are NOT paying their fair share. Their “fair share” is pretty easy to compute, too: it’s the balance of your loan, douchebag.
#3 Why doesn’t this work for denying “reparations” for black Americans? You’re telling the guy who paid off his student loans at age 33 and just missed out on this handout “tough luck…that was then, this is now”. OK. That’s kind of how I look at reparations for black Americans for slavery which ended 150 years ago. I’d point out that you aren’t a slave. Your parents aren’t slaves. Your grandparents weren’t slaves. What happened 150 years ago is no fault of mine and it sure as hell didn’t impact you. So shut up, already. But something tells me Comrade Clayton is a HUGE proponent of reparations.
So he’s a hypocrite once again.

Final point: if your college screwed you by taking $80k and giving you nothing in return, why don’t you take it up with THEM?? Go demand your money back and leave me out of it. I’m sure your Marxist philosophy professor with the pony tail who “works” three hours a week will just hand that money right back over, right?