Will Trump Remaining a Free Man Finally Give Bruce Haywood The Heart Attack That Kills Him?

One can certainly dream!

There is little doubt that our local land whale has put all his hopes and dreams in a Trump prison sentence. It consumes him night and day. Well, at night anyways. He sleeps most of the day after staying up until 2am shoving keto ice cream into his fat mouth:

These rantings by Bruce Haywire represent about 3% of the ridiculous hysteria spewed from his fat blubbermouth over the last three weeks. It’s all he can think about.

Yep – it’s been THREE WEEKS already since the corrupt FBI carried out a ridiculous politically-motivated raid on Trump’s house…and Bruce Haywire is getting impatient:

Unfortunately, there may be some problems with that warrant after all…

Since then, the narrative has started to crumble….and the FBI has been busted pulling all sorts of shit recently. Like telling Zuckerberg to tweak Facebook news algorithms to disappear the Hunter Biden laptop story – which means they deliberately interfered in US elections.

Not a good look, Haywire. Your beloved FBI is looking worse and worse by the day as more cockroaches come out of the woodwork. Cockroaches like Timothy Thibault….

Oops. Who’s the crime-committing scumbag now? Timothy Thibault, that’s who! Remember that name….he’s a real piece of shit.

Other higher-ups are admitting they may have shot their wad a little too soon…

Ruh roh. Looking worse and worse for old Haywire. You hear that sound? Kind of like a crusty old rubber hose about to burst? That is the sound of the left anterior descending artery in Bruce’s double vaxxed and boosted fat monkey heart about to rupture and put him out of his misery.

That would be a shame.