The Economy Is The BEST EVER!! But College Grads Need Bailouts. Wait…What?

We have been hearing for weeks about the supposed resurgence of dementia Joe in the media and on the social media posts of deluded libtards. He’s turned the corner! He’s winning! He’s back, baby!

“Getting so much done” = wasting hundreds of billions on stupid shit and wrecking the economy further.

The LAST thing the country needs is bigger and more intrusive government run by these morons.

As if Biden’s “cool” sunglasses have morphed him into a swaggering “Top Gun” Tom Cruise-like figure, rather than a severely cognitively challenged 79-year old:

The reality is a confused and demented old bat who shakes hands with ghosts and shits himself:

Biden: My Mind’s Gone Blank Now…

Yeah – he’s really hip and with it! Now somebody change his Depends diapers, will ya?

So unemployment is supposedly miniscule, inflation is “plunging”, gas prices are “plunging”, everything is coming up roses and it’s the “most jobs created EVER”, right?

Not to mention these same clowns have had MANY Covid gifts like checks in the mail, rent moratoriums AND loan payment “pause” for the last TWO YEARS!

But for some reason, these “highly educated” young people just can’t be bothered to pay back what they owe. They took a pile of money, spent four years partying, buying iPads, ordering sushi on Door Dash, paying for Netflix subscriptions, heading to Cabo for Spring Break….ALL on the taxpayer dime. Now it’s time to pay the tab and there are supposedly AWESOME jobs EVERYWHERE for the taking – but these kids need a bailout, is that it?

Or maybe there is a simpler explanation: this generation is a bunch of babies who have had everything handed to them and are the laziest turds in history.

I’m gonna go with that: