Clayton Tucker Is Just As Stupid As Maxine Waters.

Comrade Clayton is ecstatic that people who work hard for a living and DIDN’T go to college will be forced to cover the ‘forgiven’ loans taken out by dipshits like him to get a useless degree in “International Relations” or “Gender Studies” or some other horseshit major.

Here is a visual.

Hardworking plumber who realized college is a wildly overpriced joke, started working his ass off at 18 years old, learned a trade, performs a crucial job in the economy and makes bank:

Compared to….

Doughy, commie trust fund pussy who wasted four years gazing at his own navel, got a ‘degree’ in “International Relations”, never bothered to get a real job, contributes NOTHING to society but idiotic re-tweets, and lives in his mom’s upstairs bedroom at 31.5 years old.

Commie at rally ranting for free shit

See the difference?

The hard-working, useful dude is supporting the lazy, whiney, useless pussy.

Hardly seems fair, does it?

As usual, Comrade Clayton is grossly misinformed on the facts:

Wrong again, Comrade. The Federal Government owns 92% of student debt.

The Federal Government Owns 92 percent of Student Debt.

If it WAS owned privately, there would be lawsuits galore for breach of contract – the same way there would be if you Biden tried to cancel mortgage loans, which are an agreement between a homeowner and a bank. Because for every scumbag borrower who says “I don’t wanna pay”, there is a LENDER of that money who is getting screwed out of his hard-earned savings.

Not to mention, all taxing/spending decisions must originate in the House of Representatives. Biden has no authority to do what he did. Even drunken moron Nancy Pelosi understood this a year ago – but apparently the thousands of gallons of vodka she has consumed since then have clouded her knowledge on the topic:

Congressional dumbfuck Maxine Waters was equally uninformed about this, and made a complete fool of herself 3 years ago during hearings where she tried to blame the banks.

At a hearing featuring a panel of seven bank CEOs, Ms. Waters ticked off figures on student loan debt and defaults, then asked, “What are you guys doing to help us with this student loan debt? Who would like to answer first? Mr. Monahan, big bank.”

Bank of America chairman and CEO Brian Monahan replied, “We stopped making student loans in 2007 or so.”

Ms. Waters replied, “Oh, so you don’t do it anymore. Mr. Corbat?”

Said Citigroup CEO Michael Corbat: “We exited student lending in 2009.”

She then turned to James Dimon, JPMorgan Chase chairman and CEO, who explained, “When the government took over student lending in 2010 or so, we stopped doing all student lending.”

At that point, Ms. Waters changed the subject,

It is a very sad day when (1) you don’t know the first thing about your signature issue, (2) you should have known this because Maxine Waters got publicly humiliated three years ago for the exact same thing and (3) you are even dumber than Maxine Waters.

Poor Comrade Clayton. Wrong every time he opens his commie mouth.