I Didn’t Think I Could Hate 300-Pound Sack Of Shit Bruce Haywood More Than I Already Do. I Was Wrong.

I shouldn’t be surprised that our local manatee is a follower of Dan Blather. Blather has always been a magnet for retards:

Dan Rather is upset about people possibly lying on their taxes? This is a guy who got FIRED from his news jobs for lying over and over. He’s one of the biggest pieces of shit there are. I can’t believe he’s not dead yet, either. What is he, like 101 years old? Fuck him.

I’m sure Blather doesn’t know this (because he has high-priced tax experts to do HIS returns) but with about 60,000 pages of tax code, even the most honest people get fucked by the IRS constantly – and many lives are ruined:

Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk aren’t going to be audited. YOU are – you, the little guy.

Bruce is literally GLEEFUL over that prospect. This 300-pound sack of shit (who HIMSELF hasn’t paid taxes in 23 years and therefore living off of those of us who DO) is actually GLEEFUL that the IRS will “go back decade after decade” to try and find a misplaced dollar or two so they can bankrupt you with ridiculous fines and penalties.

Let that sink in. Bruce, who is kept in Whataburger and Krab Kingz junk food by YOU the taxpayer isn’t happy with that arrangement. He wants your nuts squeezed harder by a bunch of IRS scumbags.

Bruce, you are one numb cunt. I really hope all your fast food, vaccines and booster shots put you in an early grave. I’m gonna dance all over it, you fat turd.

Piece of shit is gleeful your life may be ruined because you didn’t get enough stolen from you for lazy fat cunts like him