If you ever wondered how the “brain” of a socialist weasel works, here you go:

You see, apparently the 1% just “get the money”. It is just handed to them. By some secret government agency, I guess.
They didn’t create any world-changing devices that makes people throw billions of dollars at them FREELY in exchange for the incredible things they invented after years of hard work and risk taking and 100 hour work weeks.
No, no, no. It was hidden under their bed one night in a huge suitcase.
It was just handed to Stephen Briggs and Harold Stratton. It was just handed to Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. It was just handed to Jeff Bezos. It was just handed to Henry Ford. It was just handed to William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain. It was just handed to Willis Carrier. It was just handed to Bernie Marcus and Sam Walton. It was just handed to Jimmy John Liautaud.
The socialist weasel hasn’t the slightest notion of what it takes to create something so world-changing that everybody throws money at you to make their lives better by owning it. Socialist weasels like Clayton Tucker, Greg Casar, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders have literally never even had a real job, so they don’t understand how wealth is actually created at all.
Lefty scum like Tucker think that their activism is work! They believe that their activism is SO important to the world that they should be paid for it as if it was the same as work! That is not an exaggeration; they really are that crazy.
Now, I’ll agree there are a LOT of 1%ers who are thieves and scumbags and who are only in the 1% because of their connections to government or their ability to grab billions in government subsidies…people who have created NOTHING and only steal from others. THOSE people should be flogged and stripped of their wealth.
People like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Elon Musk, Barack Obama, Paul and Nancy Pelosi, the scum who bankrupted Solyndra and A123 and stiffed taxpayers with a huge tab, Chelsea Clinton, Hunter Biden, Hank Paulson, Timothy Geithner, Ben Bernanke, Janet Yellen, Neel Kashkari, Jamie Dimon, Al Gore, Joe Biden, Barney Frank, Larry Fink, and every hedge fund fucker who gets free money from the New York Federal Reserve Bank.
Ironically, these are some of the SAME scum that lefty idiots like Clayton Tucker idolize.
Go figure.