If you cut out 8.5% of your brain every year, in about eight years you’ll have half a brain, and be eligible to be the Chairwoman of the Lampasas Democrats:

You got left behind? LOL. Yes, you did – in every way possible, it appears. Height…brains…female companionship…living in your own place, etc.
But that’s your own fault. That’s what happens when you’re 31 years old and have never bothered to find gainful employment.
Love the “Evil Tucker” pube-goat and pube-stache, by the way. Any minute now the chicks will come flocking. No really.

I guess Comrade Clayton, the world’s first Virtual Rancher, is unaware that Nextlink is doing like 130 installs per week around here. Maybe he’s mad because he thinks it should be FREE instead of just really reasonable.
Hey buddy, just ask Mom to pay for it at HER house and have her run a wire up to the upstairs bedroom where you live.
He sure has come far over the last year! He went from “unemployed sign holder” at communist rally to “unemployed and furrowing his brow during campaign rally question to appear erudite”.
That $80,000 International Relations degree was TOTALLY worth it!!