Beta Coming to Town

Comrade Clayton must by jizzing in his underoos. His Nambla buddy is coming to town!! They’ll both be sweating and grinding on Thursday!

Francis is VERY protective of Comrade Clayton as he transitions from effeminate male to masculine, fupa-having female – as seen in the above photos.

There is a lovely argument on LCBN about whether to go protest this imbecile on Thursday or not. One of my favorite lines from the lefties and Marxists is “you should hear what he has to say! He’s got a lot of good ideas!”

No he doesn’t. It’s the same old shit. I’m 52 years old and I know for a FACT that Marxist ideas do not work. That’s because I know my history and I know human nature. I know lefties are morons and that’s the end of it.

One of Beta Male’s WORST ideas is the Green New Deal. If he had his way, we’d all be up to our assholes in solar panels and windmills and thus wrecking the grid even more than it already is.

Just ask the Germans. They started down that path a while back. Here is the result:

Electricity prices up FIVE FOLD in 9 months.

For those of you who are math challenged (like Haywood, Tucker, Landrum and the rest) that 500 euros per megawatt/hour wholesale price translates into about 55 cents per kilowatt hour for German consumers.

France is even worse at 70 cents per Mwh!!

Right now around here, we pay roughly 11 cents per kilowatt hour.

I have seen a LOT of bitching about$400 and $500 power bills on Facebook. Now imagine your bill was $2000 or $2500 or $3,000 for a single month. Because THAT is what Germany is facing. They are literally turning to chopping down trees so they can stay warm this winter, because moron greenies have shut down the nukes and fossil fuel power plants. They are taking cold showers because they can’t afford to heat their water.

This is not a joke. This is actually happening. It will happen here too, in about 5 years if we stay on the Beta Male Green New Deal stupidity.

Oddly we have a lot of moron liberal Germans around here who just LOVE Beto.

Fuck Beto and fuck the Green New Deal. We need Beto like we need a bag on our hips.