It’s funny to watch the lib-monkeys get worked into a lather over more Trump frame jobs and hoaxes. They were literally lied to for four years about that ridiculous “Russia collusion” fabrication, then they believed the vaccines worked, then they believed that Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation” lol, and here they are RIGHT BACK believing more bullshit. It is comical. If Covid taught me anything, it’s that about 30% of the population are hopelessly retarded boot-licking clowns.
They hoot and holler and jump around shitting in their own hands and flinging it at each other:
Trump is going to jail! Trump sold nuclear secrets to Putin! Trump is going to be executed under the espionage act!
Yeah, because Trump needs the money so badly. This is the same guy who didn’t take a paycheck as president. A guy who had money BEFORE he held office – as opposed to scum like the Clintons or Bidens who were dirt-broke rubes and garden-variety morons before they somehow fell ass backwards into hundreds of millions through shady deals like Uranium One and $500,000 “speeches” to the Russians and “ten percent to the Big Guy”.
Tell you what, Bruce. Since Trump is going to jail, I guess he won’t be president again. How about I take Trump to win in 2024 at 100-1 odds? I’ll bet you $200 to win $20,000. I’d bet more there, but I doubt you could afford the loss.
But I digress
Anyways, I want to pin some of Bruce Haywood’s screeching monkey shit here so I can come back and laugh at it on November 9th. Here you go, you idiot monkey – have a couple of bananas:

I just wish I could see Bruce’s fat, stupid, slack-jawed manatee face on November 9th when he realizes Francis O’Rourke is a three-time loser and he gets four more years of Abbott. He’ll shit his Depends and head out for 10,000 calories of Whataburger, no doubt.
I cannot wait.
P.S. – the FBI has been known to murder innocent mothers holding babies. Just saying.