Like a tick on the ass of the City of Lampasas, the Lampasas Economic Dunces Club just gets fatter and fatter every year gorging on taxpayer blood.
It’s time to haggle over the 2022/2023 budget and the LEDC is not being shy about asking for a LOT more money.
For example:
They are requesting $12,500 for “promotion and advertising”! This is a 66% increase over last year’s $7,500.
What do they need to advertise? Well, that they have a giant sandbox over there on 183 south called The Business Park. But guess what? They have ALREADY spent close to FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS in “advertising” since 2012! What did that get them? Nothing – the “business pork” has sat empty for close to 20 years now!
They will also see a massive increase in interest payments to the banks for all the money they have borrowed for the ill-fated Business Pork. Last year they flushed $40,795 down the toilet. This year, they will blow $87,370 in interest payments – an increase of 114%. That number will remain at $87,370 for years and years to come.
Oh – and the principal payments going forward will be $117,000 (page 102)
As you can see, the LEDC is REALLY tightening their belts during these hard times,
Last budget cycle, Economic Development “Director” Mandy Walsh got a fat 6.2% raise (from $71,448 to $75,842 – see page 96). What will it be this year? I would not be surprised to see it cross the $80,000 mark before all is said and done. That’s not including the roughly $25,000 in extra pay, retirement benefits and insurance benefits she will also see.

Mandy also wantsa 66% increasein her Gallivanting Fund “travel and training” fund – from $6,000 to $10,000. This is the money spent for her to gallivant from one useless convention to another. Stuff like the Texas Municipal League Conference, TEDC Annual Conference, TEDC Legislative Conference, and a whole alphabet soup of inanity – which I have listed before.
Other massive increases:
“Business expenses”: a 100% increase from $2,500 to $5,000
“Professional services”: a 108% increase from $6,000 to $12,500
“Computer software and equip”: a 300% increase from $250 to $1,000
“Building & Grounds Maintenance” – from $0 to $2,500
What are we up to now…about $70,000 in additional expenses next year BEFORE Finley gets done throwing a raise in there too?
Amazing. Remember – belt tightening is for the suckers who pay taxes, NOT for City government. Not ever.