City Manager Admits Electricity Is More Expensive Thanks To “Green Energy” Idiocy

A few nights ago, Finley eloquently expressed a basic economic and power generation truism that greenie idiots can never seem to grasp. He was explaining to City council why the price of electricity will go higher for you and me.

Starting at the 19:30 mark:

“…as well as the cost of increased reliability….but again, to have that [power] reserve…that spinning reserve and that non-spinning reserve on hand, the market pays for that. And that means on our ancillary costs, we pick up a piece of that and so reliability on the electric side does cost us money

RELIABILITY COSTS US MONEY. Say it louder for Comrade Clayton.

In other words, it costs a LOT to have a bunch of RELIABLE power sources standing by in case the pinwheels stop spinning on a windless day. Huge power stations aren’t free. They are built and maintained by smart, hard-working people who expect to get paid.

Greenies can’t fathom this because they are neither smart NOR hard-working and mainly sponge off of others. They think electricity magically appears from the hole in the wall in their mom’s upstairs bedroom.

So if you are dumb enough to demand we run on mostly solar and wind and you are ALSO dumb enough to scream “fix the damn grid” when the wind isn’t blowing and the sun is not shining, then the only solution is to make sure you have REAL power plants standing by to save the pinwheels. This costs a pile of money – since you are effectively duplicating your efforts.

It is simple math. You can have lots or pinwheels and solar panels OR you can have a stable grid. You cannot have both without adding a LOT of cost.