School Districts Losing Teachers Due To Costly Infestation of Overpaid Parasites

I happened across this today – which I guess is supposed to make me more welcome to getting taxed even harder soon “for the children” since I keep seeing it over and over (Killeen, for example). It is also trying to soften us up for the “inevitable” four-day school week:

Now, as a reminder, the BASE PAY for Mineral Wells ISD is $45,000. That is for a nine month work “year” and doesn’t count benefits yet.

But the real problem is the MANY overpaid parasites in that school district.

Here are some facts:

The LIBRARIAN (Cara Shoemaker) makes $110,000 per year! That is a joke. Slash it by 30%. Or get rid of her altogether. I think each teacher can manage to find their own books in the library – especially today with computers and other search help.

The Superintendent John Kuhn makes $165,000 per year and educates nobody (much like our own Chane Rascoe at $170k per year). Three years ago, this same clown made $137,000. So he saw a 20% increase in 3 years. That was BEFORE inflation went crazy!

Mineral Wells ISD is about the same size as ours is – roughly 3,000 students. They employ 500 staff members – of which 230 are teachers.

Read that again – well over HALF of the “staff” are NOT teachers. There is your problem right there.

Here are some more parasites in the Mineral Wells School District who are NOT teachers but are paid outrageously:

Neil Mesler who is “Oth Camp Exempt Professnal Aux”, (whatever the hell that is) makes: $126,000

Rhonda Mack the ASSISTANT principal! Makes $125,000 per year. Sorry, you’re eliminated. The principal can do your work and we’ll give her an extra $10k a year.

Let me take a moment to inform you here that the median income in Mineral Wells is about $33,000 per year. ALL of these fuckers are doing plenty well. That includes the base-paid teachers at $45,000 per year PLUS bennies for a 9-month work year (which includes Christmas break, spring break, Thanksgiving break, etc).

David Tarver – ASSISTANT Superintendent makes $125,000 per year. Say goodbye to him too. The wildly overpaid superintendent can handle it all himself. After all, he teaches nobody all day long….he’s got the time.

Hope Mesler (a school counselor) makes a ridiculous $87,000 per year! Hey wait a minute…Mesler? Wanna bet she’s married to Neil Mesler listed above who makes $126,000 per year? We have a double dipper already! Anyways, fuck her too – she’s fired unless she takes a 50% pay cut.

Carey Carter who is “Dist Instr Pgm Dir Or Exc Dir” makes $99,000 per year. There are THREE of these “Dist Instr Pgm Dir Or Exc Dir” bullshit titles listed and they all make close to $100k. They are now fired. Sorry. Resources are limited and TEACHING KIDS is the #1 priority of the schools. Nothing else.

In all, there are SEVEN assistant principals listed on the first page of their school staff salary listings. Fire them all or offer them jobs teaching kids coupled with a pay cut. Inform them they will now be required to work for their salary. If they leave, fine. No big loss.

In the old days, the schools grabbed more and more and more money with their successful “it’s for the kids” chanting. That gum has lost its flavor. Those of us out here paying for all this are at the end of our ropes and it’s time to put these parasites on the chopping block so that TEACHERS remain there to TEACH the kids – the primary purpose of the school.

If that means we have to get rid of Mineral Wells’ $103,000 Athletic Director, then so be it. Athletics are secondary to education.

Enough is enough. Clean out the parasites and get back to basics.