Morbidly obese dunce and Austin resident Stephanie Fitzharris is trying to wash her hands of the Biden disaster…

Oh wait…so NOW you want out?
Now that it’s clear to everybody that it’s not “just a stutter” but full-blown dementia. Now that Biden’s war on fossil fuels has resulted in sky-high gas prices and failing power grids. Now that he has embroiled us in (and wasted $54 BILLION in tax dollars on) a war that we should stay the hell out of. Now that his moronic vax policies have caused a labor shortage that is wrecking the airline and leisure industries. Now that his “free money for all” has crushed the work ethic of everyone under the age of 25?

NOW you want to disown him? I don’t think so. You own him, dummy.

Now that foreign invaders have overrun the southern border and infested every corner of the nation. Now that his idiot son’s laptop turned out not to be a “Russian hoax” but a treasure trove of corruption and even possible kiddie porn. Now that it’s clear that his choice of Vice President is a complete and utter cretin who fucks up everything she touches.

NOW you want to act like you don’t deal in politics, you Judas?? You want to act like you aren’t responsible for this fucking disaster you helped create? Oh, no no no no….

So you cast your vote for an imbecile who has basically destroyed the entire country in 18 months but now you’re “done with politics”? What’s your next trick? Show up at a dinner party, take a big wet shit on the host’s dining room carpet and then announce that you’re “all done with this dinner party” and walk out with no repercussions?

No no no no no. I don’t think so. You don’t get off that easy, scumbag.

Just like all you Covid rats who are trying to rewrite history (and Fitzharris is THAT as well!), I’ll never let it be forgotten who wrecked things for the rest of us. Hopefully a day of reckoning will come and those who have tried to destroy the greatest country on earth will face consequences.
Of course, she has “quit politics” before – last year sometime…

That lasted all of about 3 weeks.
But she’ll be back. She has nothing else in her life. Her one son is a loser communist in Oregon who is about to marry a transexual or gender fluid freak or something….

Her other kid went off to college. So she sits home with nothing to fill the big empty void but to blabber on Facebook nonstop about writing fake screenplays and how Trump needs to go to jail….

She’s been wrong about everything in her life…masking for Covid, vaccines, Biden being a good president, hydroxychloroquine….literally EVERYTHING:

Oops – wrong there too! What a sad, sad potato-headed idiot. I almost feel sorry for her.