Greentarded Pinwheels Sitting Idle May Cause Rolling Blackouts Today

Thanks to idiotic “green new deal” policies like building giant pinwheels instead of reliable nuclear or gas-fired power plants, Texas may see rolling blackouts today between the hours of noon and 7pm.

Wind, which is touted as “free and reliable” by morons like Clayton Tucker (it is neither), will only produce about 8% of its total capacity today thanks to there being no wind to turn the blades.

Also don’t forget, the hotter it is, the LESS EFFICIENT solar panels are too – as much as 15-20% of solar panel capacity can be lost when the temps are this high.

Oh, but “the wind always blows”, I thought!

Fucking moron.

Don’t forget that these “green” pinwheels are also loaded with oil:

Wind Turbine Collapses: ‘Leaking Oil Everywhere!’

So with wind generating less than ONE GIGAWATT today in a state that will be demanding EIGHTY GIGAWATTS, where does the extra power come from? It doesn’t matter if you have 100 pinwheels or 1,000 or 1,000,000 pinwheels if the wind isn’t blowing – you still get zero power generated – a truism that is lost on retards like Clayton Tucker and Bruce Haywood.

Add in the fact that tens of thousands of libtard locusts move to Texas every month from failed liberal shit holes like New York, California, Oregon and Ohio and that we haven’t bothered to build any new RELIABLE gas and nuclear plants, and you are left to wonder just where the fuck these idiots think all this power is going to come from. Unicorn farts?

Oh, and many of those libtards have battery-powered cars – which are sucking the grid dry as well.

Luckily, I have 22 kilowatts of solar installed on my property (at my OWN EXPENSE) – so I will be sending an extra 7,000 to 9,000 watts BACK onto the grid every hour this afternoon to help out hypocritical shit birds like Clayton Tucker and Bruce Haywood who have ZERO solar panels on their own houses, despite demanding everyone else have them to “save the planet”.

I installed all this solar 10 years ago not because it made economic sense (the payback period is roughly 12 years – and that’s not including all the snags and costly repairs and headaches along the way) but because I just KNEW that this country was going to turn into a socialist shit hole ruined by “green policies” in the coming years. I valued it because it made me independent of morons like Clayton Tucker and AOC.

Come to think of it, maybe I will just flip a breaker and disconnect from the grid this afternoon so parasites like Clayton and Bruce don’t get any benefits from my foresight. Fuck them.

If they are going to “roll” blackouts, I think the entire city of Austin should just be turned off until tomorrow – since it is filled with lefty, green-new-deal idiots who asked for all this. They should get it good and hard.