Climate Cult Will Ruin Us All

Local moron socialist and virtual rancher Comrade Clayton Tucker picked a single day when the sun was shining and the wind was blowing to crow about how it was “saving” Texas…

CNN: that bastion of truth and trustworthy ‘news’

Of course, when the sun went down that night and the wind died and there were still 33 million people who needed reliable power (like hospitals, refineries, factories, etc). At THAT point, reliable gas and oil “bailed out” his shitty, subsidized Greentarded pinwheel toys as they sat useless in the windless night.

One of Comrade Clayton’s favorite false statements when he’s touting “renewables” is “the wind always blows”….

Which is preposterous and demonstrably false.

Solar panels only generate decent power about 8-9 hours a day in the summer (far worse in winter, as the days are shorter). That means less than 33% of the day. Throw in the rainy and cloudy days over the course of a year, and you’re looking at more like 28% of the time. I know this because I have lived with a 22kw solar power system for over 10 years now. Comrade Clayton lives in his parents house with NO solar panels. So, as usual, he has no idea what the fuck he is talking about and I do.

Wind is EXTREMELY variable: power over sweep for wind is a third-power function of wind speed, so it’s always going to vary massively with small changes in wind velocity. It jumps all over the place. The variance is managed through fast spinnatural gas plantsthat come online to take up the slack.

Sounds more to me like reliable fossil fuel actually bails out the unreliable renewable garbage.

On those days when both solar and wind shit the bed (**cough* February 2021* cough**), Texas STILL NEEDS those 75 gigawatts of electricity or we go back to the Stone Age. That means 75 GW of RELIABLE POWER (i.e. fossil fuel powered) has to be available at all times! Those reliable gas and oil plants require maintenance and staffing and technical expertise to stay in top condition.

Dummy fucks like Clayton Tucker and Bruce Haywood cannot get this through their thick skulls, apparently. So when their shitty subsidized pinwheels blow up the grid, they start bleating like idiot sheep to “fix the damn grid!” – when in fact their shitty, subsidized pinwheels are the ones who broke the grid in the first place.

Germany and Italy are finding out the cost of listening to Greentarded morons like Clayton Tucker and AOC and Greta Thunberg as we speak. Trump warned the idiots in Europe YEARS ago that they were going down the wrong path with their Greentardation (as any of us with an IQ over 95 would also do) and would be at Russia’s mercy for oil and gas when the shit inevitably hit the fan. Which they are now:

But hey – Orange Man Bad! So nobody listened.

Renewables and crypto have two things in common:

They have a cult-like following and they are Ponzi schemes at scale.