Stop me if you’ve heard this one…
The LEDC hypes a bunch of “interest” in the Industrial Park or Business Park and it all turns out to be pie-in-the-sky bullshit as Lucy pulls the football away from Charlie Brown at the last second for the 100th time in a row:

I find it hard to believe that Mandy Walsh keeps falling for this over and over again. Then again, her $107,000 in salary and benefits kind of DEPENDS on her believing this shit over and over again. Otherwise she’d be out of a Nerf job and back working for the Houston Rockets or the Texas Renaissance Festival. All those letters after her name would mean nothing anymore.
Tough pill to swallow. Much easier to pretend that these fake businesses like Eco-Strong are viable prospects and then act surprised when it all crumbles like dog shit in the desert.
The latest football to be pulled? Most likely the “big plans” for the Industrial Park that included a “distillery/microbrewery and barber shop”, lol.
I’m referring to the Grand Plans of Martin Rod & Custom and their supposedly imminent move into the shitty 5.6-acre ‘industrial park’ the City has been sitting on since the earth cooled a few billion years ago:

That was from October of last year. Here we are EIGHT MONTHS LATER and the “deal” still isn’t done. According to the City, Martin’s attorneys are still sitting on the “agreement”. The first (and likely only) part of the “deal” is letting Martin use the “park” to charge people to store their boats and RVs.
Sure doesn’t sound like someone who is champing at the bit to build a “distillery”. Sounds like someone who is maybe about to take a pass on the “deal” to me. Either way, none of this other crap mentioned will likely ever come to fruition.
Note that “several prospects were interested early on” – which, as readers here know, is the “lie that keeps on giving”:
Here is my prediction: there will be no primary jobs created. There will be no “microbrewery”. There will be no “multiple buildings”. The City wasted time and effort “researching flood plain maps” for nothing, as this is just more pie-in-the-sky bullshit.
I asked the City this week if the “agreement” was done yet. You’d think a simple agreement to let them rent out the spot to store RVs and boats would be pretty easy to negotiate. You’d be wrong. According to the City secretary:
“Staff actually followed up this week and it is still in the possession of Mr. Martin and his attorney. We are hopeful that it will be finalized soon.”
Hope, hope, and more hope. Will it ever amount to a hill of beans?
Don’t get your hopes up.