Well, Waste Connections is dropping the bomb on Lampasas [page 70]. They, too, are using the Brandon Administration’s massive inflation to stick it to the citizens.
You remember Waste Connections, right? They have the City trash contract that previous Mayor Misti “Transparency” Talbert couldn’t bother to put up for bid right after she, Delana Toups and Cathy Kuehne won a questionable bribe award for a karaoke contest at the TML convention a few years ago.

They also did a pretty shitty job last year and had a LOT of complaints against them. There is is again! Just like the pool – higher costs and worse service. It’s almost like there’s a pattern there!
So the question is: will the City eat this cost or pass it along to the consumer? You’d think that maybe the City would swallow this one since:
#1 – they just got handed almost $2 million from the Feds in “free Covid money”.
#2 – they just decided to borrow $6.5 million more for some questionable projects like sprucing up the landscaping at the Wastewater plant and Old City Hall.
#3 – they ALREADY jammed everyone with higher electricity rates last November while at the same time giving a lot of “free” electrical hookups to all the rich developers in town!
What will Finley do here? Will he earn his bloated salary? Stay tuned!
P.S. – don’t forget these guys ALSO run our retarded “recycling program” that loses over $12,000 per year. Looks like it’s going to lose even more now! Man, I really hate being right all the time.