In case the LEDC forgot how they were lied to, strung along and then asked for a ridiculous $1.85 million by Mike Cour of Eco-Strong, I am here to remind you.
Here are some exchanges I had by email with Cour:
Sept 4, 2020: I asked Mike Cour why he needed to sponge free land off of the LEDC. I pointed out that he owned 200 acres literally right down the street on the SAME ROAD as the Business Pork project – why not use THAT land?
Mike Cour’s answer?
“My property was one of the options but unfortunately does not give us enough space to operate the current business and this new business”.
The “current business” was Equicare, which seems to have failed. Of course, at the same time Mike Cour told me this whopper, he was asking the LEDC for 5 acres of land. FIVE! So out of your 200 acres, you didn’t have a spare five acres to run your Eco-Strong scam?

I can see from your current pictures on Zillow that there is PLENTY of room to run both. Cour just wanted some free shit. Oh, and $1.75 million so he could buy the equipment and build the building.
Speaking of…he also told me he wasn’t looking for government handouts. From the same email:
“We have not received any funding from anyone, and we intend for this to be a private effort…”
You can’t make a more bald-faced lie than that. Maybe Cour figured I’d never get my hands on his shitty Power Point presentation to the LEDC – and Mayor “Transparency” Talbert did her best to thwart me – but my lawyer prevailed.
Turns out he had ALREADY asked them for 5 acres AND $1.75 million in cash:

Yeah – a totally private effort. Except for that measly $1.85 million in taxpayer funds.
Even after Cour made the LEDC look like gullible, bungling imbeciles, they STILL have him on their list of “possible Business Pork prospects”. That should tell you how desperate the LEDC is to get SOMEONE…ANYONE into that goat pasture so they can say it was all worth it.
I’ll get to Alan Champagne (CEO of Eco-Flex) next…