Lampasas Citizens Have Been Ripped Off For 20 Years Now.

Many citizens of Lampasas are utterly unaware of the monstrous waste of money called “The Business Park” on South 183 as you leave town. Millions upon millions (over SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS, at last count) have been wasted over the last 20 years with nothing to show for it.

Former councilman Mike White referred to it as a “goat pasture” and newly ousted councilman Bob Goodart called it a “colossal waste of money” in November 2020.

Here is a complete list of links so you can educate yourself and learn about the biggest financial folly the City of Lampasas has ever embarked upon in its 139-year history:

How the Business Pork Project Started 21 Years Ago (Spoiler: They Lied From The Start)

Business Pork Project – REAL Phase I Was in 2003

Didya Know? Business Park Edition (2005)

‘Business Park’ Is Huge Piece of Pork. Pope Eckermann and Others Feasting On Taxpayer Ass

OUTRAGEOUS Tidbits From LEDC Non-Profit Filings

Did Lampasas Build A Biz Park In The 1970s??

Look How Much Money the LEDC Has Squandered Over The Last Six Years

The Lie That Keeps On Giving

Shovel Ready – Another Lie

Weed Patch Blasts From The Past

Mandy Walsh Begs Ajinomoto To Back ‘Business Park’. Ajinomoto Offered City 200 New Jobs AND $300,000 Back In 2016. City Declined!!

Somebody Has Some ‘Splaining To Do Regarding Eco-Strong, Mike Cour and the ‘Business’ Park Money Pit

Has The Eco-Turd Finally Been Buried?

LEDC Kinda/Sorta Grilled By Council – A Rarity. Mandy Clause Flustered – Part I

*UPDATE* – LEDC Loan Costs Now Much Higher For Taxpayer Thanks To Idiotic Extension Of Original Loan

Reviewing Business Pork Project Prospective Tenants

Council Meeting 2-14-22: Talbert and LEDC Pilfer $971,000 MORE From City Coffers For Business Park Debacle.