Get Out and Vote Today!!

There are some important issues to decide:

#1 Get rid of incumbent city council member Cathy Kuehne.

#2 Vote to RAISE the homestead exemption on property taxes from $25,000 to $40,000

Many of us have been slammed with a 30% increase in property taxes. I have been trying to get the county appraiser to explain to me how that is even possible, considering Texas passed S.B. 2 back in 2019 and limited the amount a taxing entity could increase their take to 3.5% over the previous year.

Absolutely outrageous. The last thing these governments need is a huge windfall of cash to waste on hiring more useless paper pushers. Hell, the feds gave out MILLIONS in Covid money to state, local and county governments and they need MORE?!?!? Absolutely preposterous. If anything, taxes should have been far LOWER this year due to Uncle Joe handing out TRILLIONS to local and county governments.

Also be sure to thank Misti Talbert, TJ Monroe, Chuck Williamson and Cathy Kuehne for handing out hundreds of thousands of dollars to developers here to SUBSIDIZE their homebuilding and thus encourage MORE idiots to move here and drive up prices. Job well done!