As You Get Your Outrageous Property Tax Bills, Remember Kathy Staruska

This is Kathy Staruska of Lampasas:

Yes, she does look like Odo from Deep Space Nine, but that’s not why we are here today…

She is employed by the Lampasas Independent School District:

She holds the title of “Educational Diagnostician”. I am trying to think of a bigger joke of a job, but having a hard time of it. Maybe life coach? Or Economic Development Director? Tough call. At least Mandy Walsh works 11.25 months out of the year. I’m guessing Staruska ‘works’ for nine.

Kathy has worked for LISD for all of one year. For some reason, they saw fit to bestow her with a ludicrous salary of $75,890 on her very first day:

Before this, she worked for the Texas Juvenile Justice Department with no title that I could find – (notice she went into hiding in 2020 due to ‘Covid’):

So, she worked for the TJJ for several years – sponging about $70,000 annually off the taxpayer. It appears she then went into hiding during 2020 because of “Covid”, of course. Then she somehow decided to apply to the LISD and they said “hell yeah! Let’s start you at almost seventy-six grand!”

Which is insane. Does this “diagnostician” add $76,000 worth of value to the school district (actually more like $90,000 with benefits)? Is this a wise expenditure when REAL teachers are currently very difficult to recruit?

The answers are “NO”. Not even close.

This is a joke of a ‘job’ that teaches zero kids all day, pays a ridiculous salary, has amazing benefits, and a nine-month work year. But that still isn’t enough for this parasite. She wants more:

You aren’t a teacher. You are a parasite. You should be fired, so that REAL teachers can be paid more.

Unsurprisingly, she is a rabid, moronic liberal:

More misinformation about an “insurrection” that never happened.
Of course, NOW we know that the vaxxed are being hospitalized even MORE than the unvaxxed. Just Staruska spreading misinformation again!

That last one is my fave. The woman whose job of “educational diagnostician” is the very definition of “non-essential” is posting this. Hilarious.

THIS is where about 30% of your tax dollars go: to overpaid morons who contribute NOTHING to education.

Very soon, the LISD school board will yet again vote to give “everyone” a 5% raise. This will sound good to you, because you figure “teachers deserve a raise when inflation is 10% under Joe Biden”. Just remember two things:

#1 Teachers got a 7% raise in March of 2020 right before they got sent home for Covid AND inflation was around 3%.

#2 A hell of a lot of parasitic, libtard morons like Kathy Staruska will ALSO get a raise tacked on to her already-ludicrous salary for doing nothing.

The school board should be ashamed for hiring this moron in the first place.