Should Clayton Tucker Be Charged With Sedition?

It sure looks like Clayton Tucker is spreading seditious and inciteful rhetoric on his public webpage.

Pocahontas talking about the Constitution? You make me laugh.

Wow. So Elizabeth Warren (a sitting Senator who took an oath to uphold the Constitution yet shits on it whenever she can) is saying that even though the Supreme Court, comprised of the finest legal minds on the planet (ha ha – except Sotomayor!) has decided the Constitutionality of this issue, she refuses to accept the outcome of a perfectly legal and fair debate?

Now where have I heard that before? Oh right…the current January 6th witch hunt and clown parade that is still going on about “refusing to accept results”.

Seems very seditious to me. Especially the ominous “we’re not going back – not EVER”. It sounds like speech that tends toward rebellion against the established order.

It also sounds like subversion of the Constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or insurrection against, established authority – which is the exact definition of sedition. Comrade Clayton Tucker is helping to spread this seditious rhetoric to his 4000 followers as a public figure. Clayton is also an admitted socialist. This means he is actively working AGAINST the U.S. Constitution at all times.

In the old days, before our great country turned pussy, seditious commie scumworms (like Clayton Tucker) were dealt with properly. Now we have ungrateful little assholes (like Clayton Tucker) publicly endorsing socialism while enjoying the benefits of a free-market, capitalist Constitutional Republic from the comfort of his mom’s upstairs bedroom.

In the past, socialist bum Clayton Tucker has been quick to smear sitting members of Congress as traitors when they weren’t:

I’m not sure what Ted Cruz actually did to warrant Clayton Tucker writing such libelous garbage on a public website. I think it was “something, something, January 6th, something something insurrection, something”.

But Ted Cruz is still in the Senate and is one of the staunchest defenders of the Constitution.

So perhaps we have a bit of projection here? Clayton Tucker is actually the one posting speech that sounds seditious to me.

Also, it is clear yet again that his parents wasted their $80,000 by sending Clayton to Southwestern University for that “International Relations” degree, because he doesn’t understand the first fucking thing about the Constitution.

The federal government has 18 enumerated powers in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. That’s it. They are listed HERE.

If something is NOT listed there (abortion, for example), then by the TENTH AMENDMENT: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Roe V. Wade was a shitty decision back in the 70s. They got it wrong. Abortion is a STATE ISSUE. Period. The Supreme Court now says so. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. By joining Warren and spreading rhetoric like this, you are encouraging citizens to subvert the Constitution – a seditious act.

I’m not sure why Clayton is so up-in-arms about this anyways. You have to actually talk to a girl, then date her a bit before you can knock her up. I see no possibility of any of that in Comrade Clayton’s future.

Or, maybe as a woke liberal idiot who thinks males can get pregnant and menstruate, Clayton is worried about getting pregnant himself? Don’t worry, buddy. All your woke gender beliefs violate established science. O’Rourke can inseminate you as much as he wants with no danger of a baby.