There are useful idiots and then there is Austin resident Stephanie “Potato Head” Fitzharris, who overshadows ALL other idiots. Haywood? Tucker? Mere amateurs. When it comes to falling for bullshit (masks and social distancing), not understanding science (vaccines that don’t work), or cheering loudly and stupidly for the Next Thing (BLM, defund police, Ukraine), nobody tops Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris of Lake Travis area in Austin.
Readers here are no stranger to this morbidly obese libtarded nut job. I have covered her repeatedly HERE and HERE and HERE.

Hey Potato Head? You coming here to read about what an imbecile you are and seeing me use your own moronic posts against you on MY BLOG is not “harassment”. Everything I post here is the truth and can be backed up. If you feel shame for being proven a moron over and over, then just don’t ever click over here, mmmkay?
This latest is one of my favorite. Like her other cause célèbres (BLM, defund police, wear a mask) she jumped in with both feet while having absolutely no idea what she was talking about. This is what rich, vapid, empty-nester housewives in Austin do to fill up their empty and meaningless lives.
I’m talking, of course, about Ukraine. She had the flag emoji and all the other nonsense within days of the invasion. She virtue signaled constantly about the evil Putin and the brave heroes of Ukraine.
She also fell for the most obvious piece of propaganda I have ever seen. I couldn’t believe people actually reposted this horseshit, but Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris of the Lake Travis area in Austin Texas definitely bought it hook, line and sinker:

What a sad, hollow life this woman has. One son is a communist loser who lives far away in Portland with the other losers. The other son went to school in California – no doubt to get far away from his blabbermouth embarrassment of a mother. All she does is sit home and repost memes as fast as she can…hoping to be part of something and to fill the hole where normal people have real friends in real life. This results in her posting obvious bullshit like the one above.
Well, the Ukrainians themselves FINALLY admitted what anyone with an IQ over 100 knew months ago: the Ghost of Kyiv was complete and total horseshit propaganda:

Just like social distancing was a myth, using masks to stop an aerosolized virus was a myth, the Covid vax protecting you from sickness and death was a myth, and the BLM bullshit about cops killing blacks at a much higher rate than whites was a myth. Stephanie Fitazharris falls for and reposts them all. Because she has no critical thinking skills. That’s what happens when your skull is filled with starch and very closely resembles a potato shape.
I have zero doubt that Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris in Austin Texas wrote numerous checks to BLM from her husband’s checking account. Those checks helped those commie scammers buy nice mansions in nice white areas of town.
BAHAHAHAHAHA. What a maroon!