Even Those Frog-Eating Socialist Loons Know How to Vote Properly.

Yesterday, the socialist nation of France held elections.

In that election, there was no mail-in voting or early voting. They use paper ballots cast in person and counted by hand.

In fact, mail in voting was BANNED in 1975 amid fear of potential fraud!

There was a mandatory proof of ID to vote.

Why can’t we get that basic election integrity here? Much of the rest of the world understands how to run secure elections. Hell, even Puerto Rico is far more stringent than us. You know, that entire island populated by “people of color”. Somehow THEY all manage to get with the program and obtain ID for themselves.

One can only conclude that: a) those opposing voter ID laws (like local socialist bum Comrade Clayton Tucker) are racist/classist/elitist toward those they (incorrectly) view to be inferior and without the means and wherewithal to get a voter ID (see Ami Horowitz’s video)


b) the issue is just a smokescreen and those who oppose stricter voter ID laws really ultimately want to facilitate voter fraud and voting by non-citizens because they believe it benefits them politically in terms of obtaining and retaining power.