NOW It All Make Sense

I always wondered why Robert Francis put his hands protectively around Comrade Clayton Tucker….

Comrade Clayton went from short hair and clothes you might find in the men’s department to looking like a lesbian at a hemp rally….

The purse…the fupa…the longer hair…

It all makes sense now….

As the kids say: “OK groomer!”

Weird. Now that Robert Francis is officially running for governor, you’d think Comrade Clayton would be pumping him (pardon the pun) on his Twitter and FB pages non-stop. But Clayton Tucker has been strangely silent about Robert’s entire campaign.

Maybe it’s because even Comrade Clayton knows O’Rourke is going to get destroyed in November and can’t be bothered to waste any typing on him.

OR, maybe we need to ask Clayton to show us on a doll where Robert Francis touched her/she/him/his.

Yes, yes we know about your “big news”: you’re transitioning to female. I guess we can add “Freedom from a ball sack” to the list above.