I really hate liberals. Is that apparent yet? These aren’t the Carter liberals from my childhood who merely bleated for more welfare spending. These are complete commie lunatics who want to take down America. I cannot share Texas with them. Like termites, they should be removed and sent to California or New York
Today we have Krista Lindley:

Whenever I see someone asking for something very basic like this, I think to myself “has this person never heard of Google? This looks like a very helpless/dumb person. This person is probably a liberal”.
I’m not talking about people who ask LCBN to recommend a contractor – that is a different story. There are times you need to ask the community for a reputable painter or contractor because there are a lot of shady shits out there who will ruin your house with poor workmanship.
THIS can be solved by Googling “Lampasas appliance repair” in 3 seconds.
So I decided to dig deeper and see how liberal this moron was. If you are friends with Krista Lindley, you may want to stop reading here. I am about to rip her to pieces and it will not be pretty.
Krista is not only too stupid to use Google, she is too stupid to remember the answer to a question she already asked 3.5 years ago:

I just KNEW this had to be a Biden-loving, triple-vaxxed, BLM-cheering, free-college-loving retard.
I was right.

Over a YEAR since the “pandemic” started, and she is still too petrified to walk around outside. This shows she is incapable of reading statistics and data on Covid – because they all show that as a young female, she is not at risk. This is more evidence that she is a moron incapable of critical thinking.
She also went ahead and injected a brand-new “vaccine” into herself AND her young kid, despite this “vaccine” not being subjected to the years of testing we normally do for a “vaccine”:

Yeah…I remember when I got “vaccinated” for the second and third and fourth times for polio as a kid. Totally normal to get “vaccinated” over and over, right?
She is also too stupid to see the difference between burning, looting and destroying entire cities (BLM protests) and a protest at the Capitol building where video shows Capitol police OPENING THE DOORS and waving people in. The January 6th protestors did not burn down anything or shoot anyone. That would be the Capitol police shooting an unarmed woman named Ashli Babbitt.
You see, the Capitol Police officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt was a black man…so he cannot possibly be at fault.
But to morons like Krista, they are the same thing, apparently:

Because looting and burning Target stores and electronics stores and running out with expensive stereo equipment is a completely valid and normal way to protest something in the tiny mind of Krista Lindley.

Yes, I DO call the dems “violent protesters” – they did billions in damage.
Naturally, she is in love with Joe Biden:

But she is a little miffed that Joe didn’t just let every deadbeat off the hook with their college loans – she thinks college should be “free”…

That way, everyone can soak the taxpayer for hundreds of thousands of dollars for useless degrees like “nutrition”:

Grad school too! What’s that like? Six years total of “eat more veggies and less McDonald’s”? Wow. Sounds like a very difficult area of study. Too bad you didn’t take a class on how to replace the drive belt on a clothes dryer though, hey?
So the guy who goes out and fixes Miss Liberal’s dryer, air-conditioning, SUV transmission, leaky faucet, etc likely said “fuck college” and went to a trade school to learn useful skills. Miss Liberal now wants THAT guy (the repair man who saved her ass) to pay for HER useless degree though his taxes.
Sounds really fair.
If you love Biden, then you obviously also love border jumpers – and you hate Trump:

No, the problem with illegal invaders is (1) they vote in elections that they are not allowed to vote in, thus putting shitheads like Greg Casar into office (2) they are a massive drain on the taxpayer through things like Medicaid, food stamps and the hiring of more teachers to teach English to illiterates.
[Krista also ignores how her hero Joe Biden used an S Corp to avoid paying taxes on the $13 million in speaking fees he and his wife collected. Who in hell pays money to listen to Joe Biden ramble incoherently? Morons like Krista Lindley, I would assume]
You know what I hope? I hope that when Lampasas Appliance Repair (who kicks ass, by the way) shows up, they tell her she needs a new belt but it will be 6 months because Joe Biden’s idiotic policies have incentivized people not to work – so the belt factory had to shut down for a while.
Also, the moronic Covid lockdowns that crashed the economy (but which Krista Lindley loudly supported because she has a Nerf job herself) also shuttered 50% of the dryer belt-making factories.
Also, that dryer belt will cost 300% more than it did three years ago, because of Joe Biden’s retarded economic policies, which include printing up trillions and handing them out to deadbeats. It will also be tough to find a driver to deliver it. If we DO find a driver, there will be a 10% fuel surcharge because the price of diesel is $5 a gallon – ALSO thanks to your hero Joe Biden.
In short Krista Lindley, I hope you end up washing your clothes with two rocks in a stream and hanging them from a clothesline to dry them – because that is what they do in shit-hole socialist failed nations like Cuba and Venezuela, you absolute unmatched imbecile.