Thank Fossil Fuels For Keeping Your Fridge On Today.

I just happened to check the ERCOT dashboard today, as I was wondering how Bruce Haywood’s beloved solar was doing on a cloudy day like today. You’d think wind would pick up the slack, but you’d be wrong:

Forecast versus REALITY

Hey, what’s a 10 GIGAWATT shortfall between friends?

The grid MUST be in balance every millisecond of every day. When you turn on a light or a heater, the grid MUST increase generated power by EXACTLY that amount. It is a miracle of modern technology.

When solar and wind shit the bed, who comes through and saves the day? That’s right – gas, oil and nuclear.

Nuclear, gas and oil are very reliable because their fuel can be stored easily. Solar and wind are extremely UNPREDICTABLE, which makes life 100x harder for grid operators.

Luckily, we are not “100% renewable” here in Texas like Comrade Clayton Tucker and Bruce Haywire want us to be. Otherwise, we’d all be sitting in the dark with rotting food in the fridge and toilets that won’t flush.

And again on March 29th…