Thanks Bruce Haywood, You Dumb Bastard

Another day, another milestone for gas and diesel prices. Now $25 to fill your little 5 gallon diesel can, boys and girls. And about $85 to fill your tank…

Be sure to thank a dipshit liberal today…like Bruce Haywood:

Dumb bastards like Bruce Haywood don’t like peace and prosperity and low gas prices and smaller government.

Dumb bastards like Bruce Haywood don’t like mean tweets and meanies like Donald Trump.

Dumb bastards like Bruce Haywood prefer his president be a dementia patient who routinely shits his pants and his VP to be an annoying cackling whore with an IQ of 87 who smoked penis all the way to the top.

She’s SUPER smart too! Bruce told us so back in 2020:

She brings a lot to the table. Such as a jaw that dislocates and no gag reflex.

Except she’s not…

Dumb bastards like Bruce Haywood are now trying to re-write history and blame high energy prices on Putin. But those of us who aren’t dumb bastards know better.