Lampasshole Smarter Than Local Doctor

A mere five months ago, “doctor” James Cain was in the paper admonishing everyone to get vaccinated – no questions asked. He didn’t care about natural immunity. Never even occurred to him. Didn’t care about your age, weight or anything else. Just get the jab.

Who knows how many young, healthy people he pushed into getting that useless jab. Who knows how many suffered adverse reactions because of his moronic advice.

When I went to what would be my first (and last) visit to him as my new doctor, I told him I wanted to get a Covid antibody test, as you’ll recall. His response?

“What purpose would that serve?”

Jesus H. Christ.

He told the newspaper: “Cain said he discusses the vaccine science to hesitant patients and stresses the need to “trust in their doctors.”

Unfortunately, SOME doctors (like him) had no idea what they were talking about and ignored a hundred years of established science.

Here is where we are today:

What a complete embarrassment to the medical community. He probably suggests leeches for high blood pressure too.

Cain also said: “He also encourages people to get vaccinated because the “shots prevent death” and to help decrease the workload in area hospitals due to COVID-related admissions

Literally NONE of that is true.

The most aggravating part of the Covid debacle is all the morons who panicked and gave shitty advice and screamed at those of us who kept our heads never had to answer for their crimes. They just slink off into the tall weeds and pretend they never said any of that stuff.

Things I’ve learned in the past 2 years:

1. Way more people are a lot dumber than I thought

2. That’s it. That’s all I got