Didya Know? (Industrial Park Edition)

I decided to start a new feature here called “Didya Know?”. It will be a collection of crazy quotes/facts I find from the archived minutes of City council and the LEDC that wildly contradict their current actions and statements.

It is meant to remind citizens (and the bureaucrats/politicians themselves) of all the empty promises and Big Plans that were made and that never came to fruition.

Hopefully, THAT will lead current council members and citizens to take all of these CURRENT grandiose plans with a grain of salt and to view promises of big returns with a skeptical eye.


The ‘industrial park’ that the LEDC is now about to lease out for ‘1-2 years’ for “RV and boat storage” was ORIGINALLY intended “to promote economic development with a discounted lease for the business owneras long as primary jobs were created.” [page 20 under Current Development]

Call me crazy, but letting some guy have the land cheap so he can rent it out for RV and boat storage doesn’t sound to me like it’s going to create ANY jobs, let alone those of the “primary” type. Sounds like a big eyesore that benefits one person, to be honest.

Yet another example of the LEDC being rudderless while going in 12 different directions at once and accomplishing nothing at all.