After I asked several times for the names of the “about four” business pork project prospects who were “serious”, I was finally given the following list:
Eco-Flex Recycled Rubber Solutions, Lawson Implements, Nextlink Internet, Legacy Awning and Shade, and PhoLicious.
We were told by Mandy Walsh herself that “three of the four are manufacturing companies”, but from the above list, I really don’t see how that is possible. You can MAYBE make the case that two of them are.
Then again, when you are asking City council for more millions for your Business Pork project, it sounds FAR better to say “manufacturing” than “a small place that sells awnings”.
As luck would have it, I have knowledge of all of these companies. Even though City council has already committed to the (in my opinion) fiscally reckless course of throwing more good money after bad at the Business Pork project, I am going to review each company here in the next few posts and see if the LEDC excitement about each of them is warranted.
Let’s start with the obvious turd in the punchbowl: Eco-Flex
ECO-FLEX: the CEO (Alan Champagne) is a proven liar and scumbag. His associate here, Mike Cour, is also a slimy con man who was involved in Triton Financial – who was sued for defrauding investors in Austin, TX.
They were the “secret prospect” for the Business Pork back in 2020 and apparently blew up the deal when they asked for not only free land, but an outright handout of $1.75 million dollars. Not even the LEDC is that stupid.

Eco-Flex has already proven to be a dud and I can’t believe they are actually STILL placed on a list of serious prospects for the Business Pork. The LEDC must truly be scraping the bottom of the barrel to include these scumbags. Chances they actually move in and become a viable tenant that produces any kind of return for anyone is 0%.
LAWSON IMPLEMENTS: It just so happens I bought my tractor from Lawson in Hamilton back in 2014. Nice people. They also have a place in Goldthwaite. I currently use Mustang Equipment in Marble Falls when I need service – and it is a very similar setup: a place on the side of the road with a small sales shop, a shop in back for mechanical work and some acreage to display the machines and implements like shredders and tillers.
This is definitely not the type of place that needs a $7.1 million dollar infrastructure to exist. Just go drive by Mustang Equipment in Marble Falls to see what I mean. I’m guessing Lawson managed to open their places in Hamilton and Goldthwaite without any help from any “economic development corporation”. They have been around over 80 years. If they want a nice spot to display their wares and put in a storefront, why doesn’t the LEDC offer them that lovely 5-acre eyesore they call the Industrial Park??
I guess Misti forgot about the Industrial Park property they own when she said “there is no more commercial space in Lampasas…the Business Pork is it”:

Lawson basically needs to throw up a metal building to start operations. Lookie there! There is even electricity right there already! No need for $7.1 million in new roads and waster/wastewater. Maybe I’ll call Lawson myself and suggest that!
I’m guessing a place like Mustang in Marble Falls (or the Kuboda dealer across the street) employs maybe 10 or 12 people TOPS. Again, nowhere near the “hundreds of jobs” nonsense we hear out of Talbert’s mouth when she touts the Business Pork project here. There is PLENTY of commercial space out there on 580 east for Lawson to put in a storefront.
More coming soon…..