Council Meeting 2-14-22: Talbert and LEDC Pilfer $971,000 MORE From City Coffers For Business Park Debacle.

Major topics:

Rain collection system for local idiot Janet “Crazier” Crozier‘s community garden: this has no business being funded by HOT funds in the first place, but it is a turd that won’t die. It was off the menu, but then Randy “Speedbump” Clark wanted it back on there. So now Finley is telling us that due to the shitty economy created by the Brandon administration, the price of the moronic water tanks (which are not needed at all because the Community Gardens get FREE water from the City already) has gone from $10,200 up to $12,750 (exactly 25% increase).

The irony here is that Janet is a raging libtard and very likely voted for Joe Biden – so she essentially caused this price increase herself. But she doesn’t care, because the money is “free”.

Randy is now arguing that the city needs to “do some investment in rain water collection and conservation effort”. Wrong, Randy. You are now officially in the “dummy” group of City council. From a cost/benefit standpoint it is not even REMOTELY a good idea to spend $12,750 dollars to catch rain when the Community Gardens ALREADY gets water from the City for a total cost of $35 per year. Crazier Crozier could pay for city water for 364 years before she breaks even on that trade.

Cathy “Porkchop” Kuehne now jumping in with the idea to only use one tank to save money. It does not occur to her pea brain that perhaps the City should buy ZERO tanks and let Crazier Crozier raise the money herself.

Now Janet herself is up there muttering into the mic and no doubt making a completely incoherent case for wasting $12,750. From what little I can hear (she won’t speak into mic) it is even more elaborate and idiotic than I imagined. Underground pipes?

I can’t believe there is any discussion on this at all. This is PURE virtue signaling – kind of like wearing a face mask to stop an aerosolized virus. No wonder Kuehne is all in favor of it.

It makes ZERO economic sense to waste $12,750 of taxpayer money for an elaborate rain catch system when the City has ALREADY put in EIGHT water spigots for free. Water is water, you dumb shits. You’ll also get plenty of rain from mother nature all year long. It is crazy that this is even on the table.

Goat pasture updates: the ‘business’ parkcontinues to increase in cost. No surprises there with Misti Talbert in charge. Oh wait! There is Misti Talbert at the podium….asking for money! I am SHOCKED, I tells ya, by this development.

Misti and Steve Hudson casually ask for “roughly another” $700,000 – $971,000!!! [32:50 mark].


Talbert: [24 minute mark] “It has come to my attention that the City is blessed with a significant amount of money in the American recovery funds to the tune of 1.978 million dollars, I believe….and thewater/wastewater portionof this project will run $971,000 and the funds can be used for this project...I’m quite certain there’s not another project you can put these funds into that….are gonna bring you the potential ROI that this project is gonna bring you…

ROI? Less than two years agoformer councilman Mike White admitted this about the goat pasture businesspark project: “I don’t love it, just from a return on investment standpointit’s never…never going to be anywhere close…”  [5/26/20 Council meeting at the 10:08 and 19:30 minute mark].

And that was when a much smaller number was being thrown around! Now, here we are less than two years later, and Misti wants ANOTHER $700k? Pure stupidity. Mike White was right. This project will NEVER make sense but they are too far down the road now to stop – because they will all look like the idiots they are. It’s called The Sunk Cost Fallacy and they have all fallen into it.

Furthermore, pardon my impertinence, governor, but you ALREADY SPENT $678,000 on “water/wastewater”back in 2015!

“We have no more commercial development space in Lampasas…that business park is it.”

That is a bald-faced lie. Sorry, but that is an outrageous statement.

In an unsurprising turn of events, Cathy “Porkchop” Kuehne gives this colossal waste of money her blessing: “I’ve been filled in on this, and I think it’s a win-win“. [34:45 mark]

Lady, you’re an art teacher. You know nothing about numbers, unless they are maybe paint-by-numbers. You have proven that repeatedly during your time on City council. You also think wasting $1.4 million on the Hostess House so you can rent it out for $12,000 per year is a great idea. So we can safely toss out your opinions on the goat pasture.

This was an insane presentation by Misti and there is a lot to unpack. Not the least of which is her outrageous claims of all the jobs this will bring in. We have heard that bullshit for 20 years now.

I’ll get into it more later when my blood pressure is lower….


Don’t ever forget the PREVIOUS lies we were told by these fools. For example:

“Ms. Toups said she wants to continue to provide infrastructure to develop the business park — which she said Harrison spoke against publicly. Ms. Toups said through the Lampasas Economic Development Corp.’s hard work, “we are on the verge of seeing large corporations come in [to the business park].” – April 21, 2017 [FIVE YEARS AGO!]

The LEDC’s new debt service payment will be about $150,000 a year, Mrs. Masonheimer said. The economic development corporation projects annual revenue of about $250,000, which will leave approximately $100,000 for operating costs after making loan payments.” – September 23, 2014

So 7.5 YEARS AGO the head of the LEDC (Kathi Masonheimer) was projecting revenues of $250,000 per year. It has actually been $0.00 per year. So they are only currently off by about $1.9 million on their revenue estimates. No biggie!