Stacey Swann is the Kind of Liberal Worm the LEDC is Trying to Entice Here.

The Lampasas Economic Development Corporation recently linked to a mushy feel-good article about “country living” called “Past the Edges of Town” by Stacey Swann.

The sub-heading is “An introvert and her family embrace community in Lampasas”

You can read it here:

Past the Edges of Town

I guess the LEDC linked to this to give us a subtle reminder that we NEED the Big City people here and they aren’t so bad! All that “Big City Liberal From Austin” is just a myth, right? We gotta GROW, ya’ll! We gotta hand out hundreds of thousands of tax dollars to guys like Deorald Finney to build more houses and create more traffic and lure in more liberal anuses!

I’ll give you a few nuggets so you can get a taste of the sugary togetherness and inclusiveness and ‘community’ and realize those Big City folks are just people looking for the same things we are:

 “…the ratio of head nods and smiles from locals—the simple acknowledgement that I am a person there in close proximity to them—is always higher in Lampasas than it is in Austin. The Texas-friendly ethos is magnified by the small-town friendly ethos into something that feels like community, even as I stand at its edges.”

“I suspect when my friends who were born and raised in cities think of small towns, they imagine intolerance for their own personal political views. It’s a fact, after all, that Austin is overwhelmingly blue while Lampasas is overwhelmingly red. Our polarized country feels like it has rendered us incomprehensible to each other. It has exacerbated our tendency to judge, to flatten people to what we see as their worst characteristics.”

“Because people in small towns have so much interaction, the other side is never an unknown. You may disagree with them, even stridently, over the issues of the day, but you can’t as easily see them as the bitter enemy, not if they recently hosted a sleepover that your daughter attended or helped you jump your car when the battery died. It’s harder to write someone off as uninformed or intolerant when your interactions with them show their authenticity or compassion.”

“I don’t want to give too idealized of a picture. There are plenty of ways small towns can crush their citizens who fall outside the town’s norms, including discrimination by race, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

[Not ‘gender’, but gender IDENTITY. I now officially hate this woman]

“For a long time, the story of America has been one of a migration of people from rural areas into cities. But as cities nationwide face affordability crises and owning a home in them becomes impossible for huge sections of Americans, we could see that migration in reverse.

[Translation: we fucked up our City with too many Marxists and high taxes and now we want to spread like locusts to the small towns to fuck them up too!]

The key to increased belonging may be in actively seeking new circles that will overlap. These transplants won’t necessarily have jobs that help ease them into the community, especially if they work from home…..But wouldn’t it be worth it to increase the collective joy in our lives, to feel a true sense of belonging?

I can almost hear the chants of Kumbaya! Let’s all join hands and welcome those lovely Austinites into the community!

There is just one problem with this story. Stacey Swann has no interest in being one of the gang out here. She is a rabid, GOP-hating liberal twat who yammers about “racism”, “fascism”, “insurrection” and all the rest of it.

Since the LEDC didn’t do their homework about the woman who wrote this article, I did it for them. Below is a sampling of Swann’s Facebook rants. Make no mistake: many, many liberal scumworms like her are flooding into the area now. Some liberal parasites who are already dug in here like a tick are happy about that:

Landrum likes to post the stupid hashtag that “Lampasas is the new North ATX”. Screw that. Over my dead body.

I’ll do my best to make every one of them uncomfortable and unwelcome. If I wanted Big City liberal bullshit, I’d move to the Big City. If I was mayor (we should be so lucky) I’d be spending a few grand every year to put up huge billboards at the south edge of town that said “Liberal Fucks Not Welcome Here – Take Your Tesla and Green New Deal and Turn Around NOW!”

Here is the tolerant and caring Swann in true form. She certainly ticks ALL the boxes (insurrection, sedition, trannies, fascism, racism, white guys are douchebags, forced masking, anti-Second Amendment, BLM, George Floyd, voter ID is racist, etc):

There are many, many more. I find it funny she talks about living in Lampasas but repeatedly called herself an “Austinite” and a “North Austin resident”. She and her sister DO own property north of town, however. Guess that’s just for raiding the local Wal-Mart during the pandemic and getting away from the liberal shit hole that people like her helped create.

It is funny to me that she has the last name of a barnyard animal, but unfortunately the WRONG barnyard animal. It shouldn’t be Swann. It should be Pigg. You gotta love it when land whales scream at you to wear a mask because they are “worried about their health”. You could have fooled me, sugar.