Julie Cain Landrum (Covid Rat/Fake Biz Owner) Tries To Gain Sympathy on Krasniqi Thread – But Only Beclowns Herself

Covid Rat Julie Cain Landrum (who runs the hobby grape juice stand called Wool & Vine) is once again crying about the “struggles” of being a small business owner while commenting on the Krasniqi thread:

It’s “dilapidated” you idiot

She has whined about “the struggle” before:

Julie should REALLY just keep her mouth shut about “the struggle” she faces for many, many reasons:

1) You are barely open. You can’t complain about “the struggle” of making a buck when your fucking ‘business’ is CLOSED a huge majority of the time. That “struggle” isn’t the fault of City Hall. It is the fault of you being a lazy slug:

Yeah, lots of real businesses close for a month to move the furniture around. Sounds legit! Then a month came and went, and Julie found another excuse to lay in bed and not go to work:

Ah. Now the excuse is “Covid raging”. OK. Funny, every other business in town seems to be doing ok with the Covid “rage”. Thank god the owners of Lampasas Beer Market, Memos and Putters are not completely lazy pussies like Julie Cain Landrum or I’d have nowhere to go work on my cirrhosis all week.

This also proves AGAIN what I have said all along: you are not a real business. This is a hobby lemonade stand. If you can close for months at a time and even then only open up 24 hours a week, you are clearly not dependent on this for income. It is a hobby. End of discussion. Don’t you DARE lump yourself in with REAL small business owners. You aren’t.

2) You spilled plenty of Facebook ink two years ago ratting out small businesses in town over their mask policies. This makes you a scumbag and NOT a helper of small business, but an enemy of them.

3) Your ‘business’ employs NOBODY. It is not a real business. It is a hobby lemonade stand that employs zero people. It is just you and your hipster-doofus husband. You have ZERO idea what it takes to manage multiple employees and deal with payroll, etc. So please, once again, shut up about your “struggle”.

4) You don’t OWN shit. You never dealt with any of the issues being discussed by Krasniqi. You RENT a spot inside another spot. You are a fly speck who does NOT own their building. So please, shut up about your “struggle”.

5) You were handed $3,000 in FREE MONEY from the City for ‘Covid’ even though you were only open 6 months at that point, employed zero people and were not a truly viable business at that point (just like now). It was straight-up charity that only occurred because dipshits like Misti Talbert were in a rush to hand out cash to ANYBODY without many questions. You repay the charity by whining about “the struggle” of being a small business owner and then you’re too lazy to open up for the first 7 weeks of 2022.

Like I said, lady, I’ll NEVER forgive or forget what a lunatic Covid cult rat you were back in 2020. I’ll be sure to point out your hypocrisy and scumbaggery til the end of time.