Lampasas County Democratic Chairman Clayton Tucker Lies In Local Newspaper About Being Pro Second Amendment

Local socialist scumworm and Lampasas County Democratic Chairman Clayton Tucker is once again spewing lies in the local newspaper.

In today’s edition, he was busy yammering about “grassroots politics”. He stressed the importance of walking around the neighborhood and lying about his positions on things, like being pro Second Amendment.

From today’s edition:

“Tucker noted there are a lot of hunters and veterans in rural Texas. When he walks a neighborhood for a candidate, people often ask him about gun regulation laws as a test. Tucker said he assures them that he’s a firearm owner and believes that gun ownership is a matter of exercising personal responsibility.”

Actually, he avoids an outright lie by using weasel words like “he’s a firearm owner” – which tells you absolutely nothing about his position on anything. Considering he doesn’t even have his own place or a real job at age 31, I doubt he has ever bought a firearm himself. More likely it is a hand-me-down from gramps that he hides under his bed in mom and dad’s upstairs bedroom – afraid to actually shoot it.

But his history tells us that he is indeed VERY anti-Second Amendment, despite his recent lies to the contrary. All we need to do it go back to a Dispatch article from July 3rd, 2018. That article told us that Clayton was a delegate to the Democratic Party State Convention held in Fort Worth on June 21-23rd of 2018. Less than four years ago.

“The county chairwoman [Cyndy Burleson] said youth were very involved on issues that affect them directly,including gun controland the separation of families at the U.S.-Mexico border.”

“I’m very proud of them for that,” Burleson said of the local Democrats and their political involvement. Resolutions adopted at the state convention covered a variety of topics, including calls for providing paid sick leave statewide, increasing the minimum wage,banning so-called “assault weapons,” tightening background checks for gun sales online and at gun shows…”

There you have it. Less than four years ago, Clayton Tucker was a delegate to the state convention where resolutions were adopted calling for banning “assault weapons” (there is no such thing) and the usual bullshit “closing gun show loopholes” they love so much.

Sure sound like infringement to me!

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.