LEDC ‘Business’ Park Sees Yet Another Add-On Cost of $30,000 to $40,000.

Back on June 8th of last year, I predicted in a post that….

Guys like Pope Eckermann are not stupid. Once the big $2 million dollar project is well underway, the LEDC and City council will not even blink at a few “cost increases” of $60,000 here and $86,000 there. That’s how these things work. He knows that morons like Chuck Williamson and Total Joke Monroe will fall victim to the Sunk Cost Fallacy, because they have done so repeatedly in the past.

It already happened once (Aug 17th, 2021), as detailed HERE:

Another $53,700 Flushed

It appears to be happening again. According to the last LEDC meeting packet [see page 15 under “Business Park Phase 1”]:

No surprises here. Any Talbert-led group is guaranteed to OK cost increases over and over again. This won’t be the last….or the biggest.

Business Park Additions To Running Total Cost: $35,000 (new total $88,700)

New estimated project cost when debt is paid off in 2040: $6,388,700)