Libtards Too Dumb/Lazy To Vote Properly. Call It “Voter Suppression”

Clayton Tucker is mad, ya’ll! It’s all this “voter suppression” that’s going on!

How is it NOT voter suppression, Diego? Well, I have a few ideas how:

#1 – Liberals are very likely too stupid to fill out a form correctly. Perhaps they didn’t READ the instructions? Perhaps they can’t COMPREHEND simple directions?

I was at the DMV two weeks ago to renew my drivers license and some poor moron in front of me didn’t bring proof of U.S. citizenship, as the instructions on the website said to do. He didn’t have a passport OR a certified copy of his birth certificate. He was sent home pissed off. Was that “driver suppression”? Or was it just a garden-variety dummy who didn’t read the instructions? Go home and fix it and try again. You just learned a valuable lesson about paying attention to details.

#2 – Liberals are typically very lazy, and thus can’t be bothered to actually go to the polls, so they demand mail-in ballots that should never be handed out in the first place. Perhaps because they are all entitled half-wits who grew up getting anything they wanted by pushing a button on a smart phone app, the thought of actually standing in line for a while repulses them.

Tough shit.

Here’s an idea: if voting is as big a deal to you as you say it is, then get off your ass and go to the polls. I have voted in-person for 34 years – even with a full-time job! Seeing as how a large proportion of liberals are welfare mooches and unemployed bums (like Clayton Tucker), you really don’t have anything standing in your way, do you? Your whole day is pretty much open.

Notice they NEVER tell you the actual NUMBER of rejected ballots – just that it was “40% to 60%” of them in Travis County. Maybe there were only 1,000 applications and 400 were rejected. There is no way of knowing.

In Harris County, the number was 16% rejected out of 1,276 applications. Doesn’t sound so bad when you put it that way, does it? In fact, 16% is about the percentage of the population that is clinically retarded with an IQ under 85, if you look at a standard Bell Curve distribution:

We can clearly chalk up that 16% to pure stupidity.

Unfortunately for democrats, probably 90% of that 16% population are registered Democrats.

If you are too stupid to fill out a form properly, you are also too stupid to vote. Do us all a favor and stay out of the election altogether.

Even our local socialist (and head of the Lampasas County Democrats) Comrade Clayton Tucker has trouble filling out forms correctly! Here is his application to run for City council last year:

As you can see, Comrade Clayton wasn’t entirely sure what his OCCUPATION was. He started to write “State”-something, then scratched that out like a third-grader and settled on “political organizer”. This is very odd since he has claimed to be a rancher, a cowboy and a farmer for years now. It must have slipped his mind that he was a “rancher”, I guess.

Well, that is certainly definitive proof that he is a rancher like he claims to be. You can’t argue with the hashtag! After all, lot’s of REAL ranchers, farmers, and cowboys stop what they are doing in the middle of a mundane job like cutting wood, take out their iPhone, take photos and then put a gay hashtag on in like “#ranchlife” for their Facebook page, right?