Bruce Haywood: The Man, The Myth, The Moron

As I’m sure you’ve noticed, the official Covid narrative is finally falling apart, or is being hastily disassembled, or historically revised, right before our eyes.

The “experts” and “authorities” are finally acknowledging that the “Covid deaths” and “hospitalization” statistics are artificially inflated and totally unreliable (which they have been from the very beginning), and they are admitting that their miracle “vaccines” don’t work (unless you change the definition of the word “vaccine”), and that they have killed a few peopleor maybe more than a few people, and that lockdowns were probably “a serious mistake.”

And now they are all sick with … well, a cold, basically, or are “asymptomatically infected,” or whatever. And they are looking at a future in which they will have to submit to “vaccinations” and “boosters” every three or four months to keep their “compliance certificates” current, in order to be allowed to hold a job, attend a school, or eat at a restaurant, which, OK, hardcore cultists are fine with, but there are millions of people who have been complying, not because they are delusional fanatics who would wrap their children’s heads in cellophane if Anthony Fauci ordered them to, but purely out of “solidarity,” or convenience, or herd instinct, or … you know, cowardice.

Many of these people (i.e., the non-fanatics) are starting to suspect that maybe what we “tin-foil-hat-wearing, Covid-denying, anti-vax, conspiracy-theorist extremists” have been telling them for the past 22 months might not be as crazy as they originally thought. They are back-pedaling, rationalizing, revising history, and just making up all kinds of self-serving bullshit, like how we are now in “a post-vaccine world,” or how “the Science has changed,” or how “Omicron is different,” in order to avoid being forced to admit that they’re the victims of a GloboCap PSYOP and the worldwide mass hysteria it has generated.

If you think these “recovering” Covidian Cult members are ever going to publicly acknowledge all the damage they have done to society, and to people and their families, since March 2020, much less apologize for all the abuse they heaped onto those of us who have been reporting the facts … well, they’re not.

They are going to spin, equivocate, rationalize, and lie through their teeth, whatever it takes to convince themselves and their audience that, when the shit hit the fan, they didn’t click heels and go full “Good German.”

I’m not going to forget all the mini Hitlers out there over the last 18 months. The Covid rats and scumbags who applauded the idea of universal mask mandates and forced vaccinations.

Here is a partial list of local Covid Cult scumbags, just so we don’t ever forget those who went full “Good German” and showed their true colors:

Bruce Haywood, Melissa Johnson, Karen Spivey-Cummings, Julie Cain Landrum, Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris, Jennifer “Morono” Moreno, Christopher McDaniel, Heath Bishop (aka Hubert Humperdink), Maria Velasquez Aguilar, Lee Morey, Gregory Thompson, Clayton Tucker.

It’s so simple! Force everyone to get a shot and it will go away! Wrong again, dipshit.

Bruce Haywood: in favor of ruining kids’ education since 2020.