Two years into this “pandemic” and it just boggles my mind that there are still people out there who are afraid of coronavirus. Thanks to a surge in “cases” there are thousands of morons who aren’t sick at all, waiting in hours-long lines to take a test to see if they have a virus that couldn’t possibly kill them.
It is the world-class dunces like these who (a) keep this ‘pandemic’ hysteria going when it is clearly over and (b) are clogging up the clinics and hospitals and fucking things up for people with REAL medical problems:

We can’t go on sharing a country with people like this. Their brains are too broken and they can’t be fixed.
Hey dummy: your 10-year-old grandson is not at risk of dying from this. He is more likely to be killed by lightning. By your own admission, the kid isn’t even SICK! He was just “around his uncle and aunt” who supposedly had it – or maybe they just tested positive. Teresa Christoph, whoever she is, should have a big “MORON” tattooed on her forehead and be banned from the doctor for a year.
Brandy English is arguably even worse! She actually drove around clogging up the works and wasting the time in THREE towns! Keep your dipshittery in Killeen, lady. There are people in Lampasas with REAL medical problems. Your 8-yo is more likely to be killed in a car accident with you driving all over hell’s half-acre gumming up the healthcare system than she is to be killed by Covid.
If you are related to any of these people, please grab their shoulders and shake them. Maybe slap them across the face a few time to snap them out of it. You are acting like complete dipshits.